Sorry for the quiet last two weeks. Things always seem to get very hectic in the lead up to Christmas. We will be back in full form in the new year.
CCAPSG wants to wish you all the very best for the Christmas season and a safe and healthy New Year!
~The views and opinions expressed here are of the blog author and not necessarily of CCAPSG as a whole~
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bizarre In The News - Faith Or Fraud
Ninemsn A US singer paralysed from the waist-down after a car accident 23 years ago says she can now walk again after visiting a spiritual healer.
Evangelist gospel singer and paraplegic Delia Knox, 46, lost all feeling in her legs after a drunk driver struck the car she was in on Christmas Day 1987.
But Ms Knox said her life was turned "upside down" in August this year after visiting preacher Nathan Morris at a Christian revival at the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival in Alabama.
"To be honest I’ve stayed away from healing meetings," Ms Knox said in a new interview with theDaily Mail newspaper.
"I've been pulled, plopped and dropped and rarely responded to altar calls."
"But Nathan Morris called my husband forward and I had no idea what was going on .... then all of a sudden I felt a voice which I knew was the Holy Spirit saying to me, 'Get up', and I felt feeling in my legs and then faith came on me to walk."
Read the rest of the story here
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Mysterious Creature Spotted In UK Port
Click here to read more.
A mysterious object has been spotted in waters near Liverpool in England's northwest, sparking speculation it could be a shark.
The object, seen at the Albert dock in Merseyside, has raised questions about the effect England's freezing waters are having on marine biology.
Some experts have said it could be a basking shark while others have said it could simply be a jetski.
Click here to read more.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A New Kingdom
Around 2000 years ago, in a small middle eastern country under occupation, a baby was born who was destined to change the world.
While many religions have mythology that ascribed their deities a virgin birth, this was the fullfillment of those myths. The deity was born of a virgin. A young girl from a lower working class family in a remote area who had been betrothed to a local carpenter. Her pregnancy was announced by a visitor who was not human and although her fate could have been death, she accepted the responsibility of carrying this child, who would be remembered as the Son of God made flesh.
The birth was as unassuming as it gets - He was born in a manger, surrounded by animals, straw, dung and the smell of earthiness. There was no midwife or nurse to hygeinically remove the afterbirth and weigh the child. He was born as children are still born in third world countries.
Although this birth was foretold by the prophets, it went largely unnoticed. Magi who had studied the stars and prophecies knew of imminent birth and travelled far to find the one they assumed was the King promised in myth and legend. Shepherds in the hills surrounding Bethlehem recieved a shock when Non Human Entities appeared proclaimed that the King of Kings had been born and that good news was coming to the earth.
And indeed, it was good news.
In his life, Jesus taught us to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us.
He showed that the Kingdom of darkness via which satan ruled the earth would be defeated.
He proved that the Kingdom of God was here and demonstrated power over sickness, death and the demonic spiritiual realm.
He included social outcasts in His life, showing that all people were equal before God and that everyone had a part in that Kingdom, as opposed to the one that the Romans ruled.
He was crucified on a Roman cross and rose from the dead to prove that in His death and ressurection was the power for the forgiveness of earthly sins, pride and idolatry and a hope that we could live forever with God after we physically die. That one day, all who believed would be ressurected and we would see our loved ones again in the presence of perfect love.
And then He left his followers, saying He would one day return - but He would leave a helper - the Holy Spirit, who on the day of Pentecost transformed a frightened bunch of fisherman, prostitutes, tax collectors and their colleagues into people of great spiritual power who did exactly what Jesus did - healed the sick, cast out demons and demonstrated that the Kingdom of God was here. They fed the poor, looked after orphans and widows, ensured that they shared all they had.
In the approximately 2000 years since those events, those who claim to follow Jesus have often brought great shame to the one they claim to follow. But they also changed the world. St Patrick did incredible signs and wonders and healings to lead Ireland to Christ, and deliver people from demonic oppression and pagan practices which included child sacrifice. Missionaries since that time who have truly been disciples have had countless encounters with oppressive spiritual forces all over the world, from idols that tribes claim demanded 90% of produce as an offering, to breaking the power of witchdoctors who sent demonic spirits of sickness over whole regions. While sceptics will scoff at that idea, when you hear the stories from people like Pastor Robin Swope and other colleagues, you realise this is a real power that causes great fear and loss wherever it is weilded.
This Christmas, our message is that this new Kingdom is available to all people. It requires a surrendering of being a slave to this current system that promotes materialism, consumerism, oppression of the poor and making ourselves God. It requires sacrfice, It requires loving others unconditionally. It requires humility. But it delivers us from evil.
I pray for all our brothers and sisters in the Paranormal "Industry" that they will be protected by the love and power of God through Jesus Christ this Christmas.
Will you pray and seek God's will for your life?
God bless you - Pastor Baz.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Bizarre In The News - Mysterious fireball
Read more here
A mysterious fireball that lit up the sky over Atlanta has left onlookers bewildered as to what it could have been.
Charsign Raymond, 39, of Clarkston, was visiting a friend's home in Stone Mountain when his friend's wife saw the unidentified object streak across the sky.
'She ran in and said, "Look, you've all got to see this"', Mr Raymond recalled.
Mr Raymond managed to capture the double-barrelled ball of fire falling towards the ground on his camera.
DeKalb County Police Department said they had no reports of fireballs hitting the county recently and have offered no explanations as to what it could be.
A neighbour who also witnessed the unexplained sighting said she thought it was a meteor about 10 times larger than any she'd ever seen before.
A second streak zoomed across the sky just seconds later.
Read more here
Bizarre In The News - Hills alive with UFOs
The Daily Telegraph

A PROSPECTOR who went to find gold in the hills thinks he may have found something better - evidence that aliens really do exist.
Adam Cainero believes he captured a photograph of an alien spacecraft hovering above an escarpment near Majors Creek, in the Southern Tablelands near Braidwood.
After an unsuccessful weekend fossicking for gold Mr Cainero and a friend were making the long trip home when he stopped to take a snap of the steep mountain they had driven down.
When he got home, Mr Cainero said he realised he had found gold of another kind after all.
"I just took a picture of the mountain range and the sun was in my eyes so I just kind of pointed and shot," Mr Cainero said. "Then we looked at the picture - we were, like, no way."
With its shape and its position in the sky, Mr Cainero said he immediately knew the black object was a UFO.
"We always see really weird things as we go out to places where there is no one around," he said.
Read more here

A PROSPECTOR who went to find gold in the hills thinks he may have found something better - evidence that aliens really do exist.
After an unsuccessful weekend fossicking for gold Mr Cainero and a friend were making the long trip home when he stopped to take a snap of the steep mountain they had driven down.
When he got home, Mr Cainero said he realised he had found gold of another kind after all.
"I just took a picture of the mountain range and the sun was in my eyes so I just kind of pointed and shot," Mr Cainero said. "Then we looked at the picture - we were, like, no way."
With its shape and its position in the sky, Mr Cainero said he immediately knew the black object was a UFO.
"We always see really weird things as we go out to places where there is no one around," he said.
Read more here
FROM BRY: It's definitely an unidentified flying object but it's not evidence aliens exist by any stretch of the imagination. As you may have gathered I am incredibly skeptical when it comes to photos of UFOs and this photo is no different. It could be anything from a fly/bug that flew in front of the lens to a piece of dirt on the lens or even a bird? And not to forget terrestrial aircraft. There are a number of rational options to explore before naming it evidence of aliens.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
We are the unseen many...
How many of you have experienced something you would class as paranormal?
Have you ever spoken to anyone about it?
What happened when you told them?
Were they supportive?
Or did they think you were lying or "exaggerating?".
This is an all too common occurrence.
I even see it within the paranormal community, negativity, bullying and belittling. Its time that the paranormal community step up and be supportive of one another. Enough of the bashing and putting others down. We need to listen to the stories, photos and experiences with an open heart and open mind. I'm not saying we should be gullible or a pushover but there are ways to discuss and "debunk" in a respectful and mature manner.
People shouldn't be scared they will be laughed at for sharing their experience.
I am asking us all to be respectful to one another. Lets be open to listening to others opinions, how will we learn otherwise?
Have you ever spoken to anyone about it?
What happened when you told them?
Were they supportive?
Or did they think you were lying or "exaggerating?".
This is an all too common occurrence.
I even see it within the paranormal community, negativity, bullying and belittling. Its time that the paranormal community step up and be supportive of one another. Enough of the bashing and putting others down. We need to listen to the stories, photos and experiences with an open heart and open mind. I'm not saying we should be gullible or a pushover but there are ways to discuss and "debunk" in a respectful and mature manner.
People shouldn't be scared they will be laughed at for sharing their experience.
I am asking us all to be respectful to one another. Lets be open to listening to others opinions, how will we learn otherwise?
Mark 12:31
31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Bizarre In The News - Ballarat ghost-hunters wanted for TV show
THE producers of a new reality TV show are looking for Ballarat volunteers to participate.Producers of the ghost-hunting show Spooked want fiveadventurous volunteers to accompany Australian ghost whisperer Anthony Grzelka to an undisclosed haunted location to film the pilot program on December 11. Executive producer Keith McNamara promised a “scary” experience for volunteers and viewers alike.
“We’re looking to shoot it mostly guerilla-style in night vision,” he said.
“We want to bring the audience in and make them feel like they’re taking on the ghost hunts first-hand.”
Grzelka is a medium with extensive experience conducting ghost tours in Western Australia.
“Anthony will be looking to evoke spirits on the show. He’ll also do some background explanation of the
locations,” Mr McNamara said.
The location of the filming is a secret, but Mr McNamara said it would be in the Ballarat area.
“We’re keeping the location secret so that our volunteers don’t do background research and then ham it up for the cameras,” he said.
“We want them to go in with an open mind.”
Anyone wishing to volunteer for the pilot can email the producers at
“We want to bring the audience in and make them feel like they’re taking on the ghost hunts first-hand.”
Grzelka is a medium with extensive experience conducting ghost tours in Western Australia.
“Anthony will be looking to evoke spirits on the show. He’ll also do some background explanation of the
locations,” Mr McNamara said.
The location of the filming is a secret, but Mr McNamara said it would be in the Ballarat area.
“We’re keeping the location secret so that our volunteers don’t do background research and then ham it up for the cameras,” he said.
“We want them to go in with an open mind.”
Anyone wishing to volunteer for the pilot can email the producers at
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