To read more click here"The A & E cable network will soon debut a brand new paranormal reality series. Truth be told, despite my affinity for the paranormal, the majority of these types of shows don’t interest me and I don’t watch most of them. Yet, the television in my home will be tuned in to the A & E cable network to watch Paranormal Cops on Tuesday night.I’ll tell you why."
"Paranormal enthusiast Gian Temperilli, co-author of Heaven Can You Hear Me?, captured a shot showing a ghost aboard Queen Mary, the famous haunted ship where renowned paranormal investigator/psychic Peter James used to correspond with ghosts."
To read more click here.
Click here to read humanoid / cryptid encounter reports received by various agencies worldwide from the Phantoms and Monsters blog.
Ipswich in Queensland offers ghost hunts
"OFFERING a walk on the paranormal side, notoriously haunted Ipswich sites are set to form part of a series of upcoming ‘ghost hunts’.
A partnership between Brisbane-based Ghost Tours and Queensland Paranormal Investigators (QPI), the hunts aim to give people a hands-on opportunity to experience a paranormal investigation."
To read more click here Source: Queensland Times
"A photo that achieved international media attention showing a "ghost" in a barn in Victoria is a hoax, according to a young woman who told ninemsn she is the figure in the image.
The digital photo, which was allegedly taken during a ghost tour in Winchelsea, appeared on current affairs show Today Tonight earlier this month. "
To read more click here
To read what Australian Ghost Adventures (Who do the tour at Barwon Mansion) say click here
This pic was taken on a ghost tour in Picton, NSW. To read more about it click here
Possible Ghost Photo Caught in Guernsey Underground Hospital
ALAN CHEALE from Brighton sent the photo below to the Guernsey Press. To read more click the links above.
The Barwon Ghost story gets more messy "A Victorian tour company knew a "sexy ghost" photo that generated publicity around the globe actually showed a young Geelong woman, according to the man who took the photo.
Adam Harris, 21, told the Seven Network's Today Tonight program earlier this month that the "mysterious photo" was taken at a barn during a ghost tour at Barwon Park mansion, in Winchelsea.
A representative from Australian Ghost Adventures said that to his knowledge the woman in the photograph, who was pictured in a low-cut top looking at the camera, was not on the tour that night in August last year."
To read more click here

Miracle 'weeping house' dad George Tannous on fraud charge "A MAN who claims his house started weeping oil and ash following the death of his teenage son has been charged with credit card fraud. "
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"NSW is split into two groups - those who believe in the seemingly paranormal activity seen in a photograph of a pair of ghostly children wandering in a cemetery south of Sydney and those who think it's all bunk.
The Daily Telegraph's website was flooded with hundreds of comments yesterday as Renee English, who took the photo on January 9 while on a ghost tour for her teenage brother's birthday, stood by her claim no one was in the cemetery at the time."
To read the article click here
Believers continue to flock to "miracle" house "BELIEVERS continued to flock to the weeping walls yesterday, despite the man who turned his Sydney home into a shrine being charged with credit-card fraud.
To read the rest of the article click here
The allegations against George Tannous, 57, appeared to have done little yesterday to dent some people's belief his dead son Mike is a messenger from God who caused an oily liquid, with healing powers, to flow down the walls of his old bedroom."
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